
Welcome to the crazy life of a growing globetrotter!

Most people can’t quite figure out right away where I’m from by hearing me talking English. “I’m half Italian, half German and have a weird American accent” has become my standard phrase since I came to Uni. However, nobody really understands what I mean by that. Well, my (Italian) mom met my (German) dad about 25 years ago in New York City. A wedding in Denmark and a honeymoon in Norway later I was born in a small town in Germany called Heppenheim on the 29th of September 1996.

Since then it has just been an endless adventurous journey. I can’t remember the day I first stepped on a plane, but I was probably about 3 months old. With my mum working between Italy and Germany it’s always been a back and forth hustle. As a kid I couldn’t understand why all these changes had to happen but it helped me to adapt fast to any kind of new situation in my life. I started primary school in Naples, then moved to Frankfurt in second grade and finally to Würzburg in fourth grade.

In contrary to what many people think I never attended and American or International school. My accent just built up over the years by watching a lot of American movies and series and listening to American music. Basically just living the whole American Pop Culture. Although I graduated from High School in Germany, I am fluent in both Italian and German since I maintained a very strong bond to Naples with my family and closest friends living there.

In summer of 2014 I took the big step and decided to spend 6 weeks by myself in New York doing a Journalism Course at NYU. I was 17 and it was my first real experience of traveling and living on my own. I learned so many things that can’t be taught in any class room and I made friends for a lifetime. Since I finished school quite early I decided to take some time off before going to Uni. In my gap year I worked here and there, continued my travels (among which was an amazing InterRail with two of my best friends) and got my drivers license.

I started Multi-Media Journalism at BU in September 2015. Changing country yet another time was exciting and at the same time scary. I had to adapt to the fact of not fitting into the culture and to people always asking me about my origins. Everything got easier once I had a routine in my life: Uni work, the gym, going out with friends… I now really belong here and see it as my third home. I try to keep myself busy all the time, because having nothing to do is the worst for me. I have very high ambitions for myself and hope to be able to live up to them one day.

I see myself as a very positive person trying to make the best out of any situation and nevertheless sceptical if needed. I can be very loud and opinionated, which can be great but isn’t always a good quality. My biggest dream is to travel the world, ideally as part of my future job. I am very interested in different cultures and international affairs. Altogether I would describe  myself as a curious citizen of the world, eager to learn and to discover.

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